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Ambassador Spotlight - Melinda Gray

Tell us about yourself.

I am a wife, mother of a grown son and daughter-in love.

I have the best circle of friends and family that are my support system and mean the world to me. I have 3 dogs and a cat, Cindy, who is the queen of our home. I enjoy my church, Lighthouse Baptist Church, and my church family. Small things make me happy and I appreciate every day.


Where do you work and what is your title? What do you like about your job?

Palmetto heritage real estate; broker associate and CR appraiser.

I love my job and everything about it. I am going into my 30th year and cannot imagine doing anything else. Helping my clients and customers realize their dream from purchasing their first home then years later helping them to purchase a larger home is very satisfying. The friendships and connections I have made over the years mean the world to me.


What motivated you to become an ambassador for our organization?

My good friend Randall Frye asked me too. From my first meeting I have had a passion for the Chamber and all they do for Laurens County. I have watched membership and programs grow and very proud of where our chamber is now and proud to have been a very small part of helping to recruit new members and support our wonderful staff in the strides they are making.


What makes Laurens County special to you?

I love the people and the comfortable pace of life here. I love supporting the wonderful small business community we have. My preacher knows me by name, my doctor knows me by name, the great people at ace hardware know me by name, you see where I am going. This is not always the case in larger towns. There is a connection in Laurens County that you do not often see in other areas. My goal as a teenager was to leave as quickly as I could and now when I am gone I cannot wait to get home.


If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be and why?

This answer just came to me…..Helen Keller. My mom was born blind and achieved great success and had a love of learning. She stopped short of having her PhD. We did not often discuss her blindness but I would like to have someone explain to me the feelings of being blind and the drive to accomplish so much with the cards being stacked against you in many ways. My second choice would be Charlie Brown because who does not love him?

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