Spotlight on the Ambassador - Amber Graydon

Tell us about yourself!
"I am a native of Laurens County, currently residing in Laurens. Hospice of Laurens County hired me as the Director of Business Development almost 6 years ago, and I have loved every minute of this opportunity. I have been married to Corey for 8 years. We have 3 beautiful children-Emmett, Roman and Izzy, and a black Labrador retriever. I enjoy being outside, crafting, and live music."
What do you like about where you work?
"I love the mission and vision of Hospice of Laurens County. It is refreshing to be part of an organization that is so dedicated to caring for the people in this community. While I enjoy meeting and partnering with new hospitals, facilities, and physicians, my favorite part of my job is providing family educations, meeting families and patients where they are at in their journey."
Tell us about your roles with the Chamber.
"The Chamber has been such a big part of my life over the last 5 years. Shortly after coming back to work in Laurens County, I began going to the Business After Hours, where I have met so many people that I continue to work with on a daily basis. I have now been a Chamber Ambassador for several years, allowing me to talk about the benefits of becoming a member on behalf of the Chamber. I also graduated from LCCC Leadership Laurens program class XXI and currently serve as the Chair of the Board of Regents for LCCC Leadership Laurens. This experience has given me the opportunity to meet with vastly diverse groups of people on such a personal level. I have also made several good friends along the way."
Why do you love Laurens County?
"There is so much I love about Laurens County. The first that comes to mind is the people. There is always someone willing to offer a helping hand, and I rarely meet a stranger. I am so excited about the future of Laurens County. We are growing, and there are so many exciting things happening, and I am so thrilled to be a part of it."