LAURENS COUNTY, SC, December 17, 2021- The Laurens County Chamber of Commerce team officially welcomes Courtney Stonell as the Laurens County Beautification Affiliate Coordinator. This position was announced in June 2021 when a countywide collaborative partnership began. The Affiliate Coordinator position will focus on areas of impact, enforcement, and education. According to Amanda Munyan, Chamber President/CEO, “Courtney brings a refreshing level of energy and excitement to this new role in Laurens County. She has experience in the areas of focus, and I have no doubt she will do a fantastic job.”
Stonell and her husband, Josh, recently welcomed their first daughter, Willow (2 months), to their family. Stonell is a native of Laurens, South Carolina , and a 2010 Laurens High graduate, with a BA in Park and Recreation Travel Tourism from Clemson University. Stonell will work closely with Mallory Coffey, Community Outreach Program Manager for Keep South Carolina Beautiful through Palmetto Pride, for focus area guidance and program compliance. The application process, to become a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, the official name will be Keep Laurens County Beautiful, is already underway. The affiliation will help secure more grant opportunities and gain support from experts. This position will oversee volunteers, training, grant writing, and multiple anti-litter-related initiatives, progressing Laurens County’s collaborative effort to crack down on litter.
The Affiliate Coordinator position came out of the plans formed by the Litter Prevention Task Force, developed in early 2021, as a collaborative effort between the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce, Laurens County Council, the City of Clinton, City of Fountain Inn, and City of Laurens, in partnership with the Laurens County Development Corporation and Laurens County Sheriff’s Office.
Stonell expresses her excitement about this opportunity by saying, “I am thrilled to be part of the litter prevention & beautification efforts throughout our County. As a native to the area, with a passion for our beautiful earth, I will work hard to help preserve & protect our natural resources. My focus will be Impact, Enforcement, and Education and I look forward to working very closely with our Palmetto Pride partners for success.”